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America the Grammar

Proper communication is too important to ignore and easier than you think to achieve.


The problem is our education system has failed to give students the skills to adequately convey a given message.


In the early 1900s, authors William Strunk and E.B. White used simple but powerful instruction on improving grammar and usage in their classic book, The Elements of Style. America the Grammar is the modern-day version.


This book will help improve the grammar and communication skills of students in middle school, high school, and college - whether they are in a traditional institution or homeschool - with clear examples based on history and strong, Judeo-Christian and American values.


If you want See Spot Run, this book is not for you.


Remember this: We do not learn grammar and communication to correct people when they make a mistake. We learn it because it is a necessary and powerful skill to succeed in life.


Join me.

America the Grammar

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